Instant Data Warehouse
Instantly consolidate all your disparate source data and reporting needs with the SQL Power platform. Legacy source data, whether it is submitted by regulated entities or entered in other legacy (CRM, Call Centre or ERP) systems, can immediately be pulled into the SQL Power platform - providing a consolidated view of all relevant Regulatory data within the single Risk-based supervision platform and a consolidated Reporting environment that renders a separate Data Warehouse redundant.
Historic Legacy data (legacy data submissions) and ongoing Operational (Registry, CRM, Call Centre and/or Risk Assessment) data can be easily moved from disparate legacy systems and integrated nightly into the SQL Power platform - Eliminating the need for any custom data migration/ETL and data integration processes while providing Regulatory teams with instant access to a modern-day “Data Warehouse” for consolidated reporting and comprehensive Risk-Based Supervision.
Furthermore, all collected legacy data will instantly leverage all SQL Power standard reports, dashboards, and alerts including Organization/Person Profile Views and Inline Analytics.
Traditional development of a Data Warehouse can cost millions of dollars and requires many months of Design, Development, and data integration efforts usually lagging the operational system rollout by up to a year. The Data Warehouse database design alone typically takes months, followed by many months of data migration process development, data integration, and data auditing development effort. And that’s before developing a single report, dashboard, or alert.
Simplify and streamline your Business Intelligence environment by moving to SQL Power’s Instant Data Warehouse.

SQL Power's Integration Hub
SQL Power's SupTech Hub is the most robust and compelling regulatory solution on the market, delivering the ultimate in regulator flexibility, self-sufficiency, efficiency and transparency increasing the likelihood of timely successful intervention while providing all interested parties with the ultimate confidence in the regulated market.
Built for Progressive Financial Regulators across the globe, SQL Power’s Integration Hub gives supervisors the ability to consolidate all collected data from various sources and legacy systems into one centralized web portal. Effectively eliminating the need to retool your existing systems along with expensive data migration while still having access to all historic data.
The Integration Hub also gives financial supervisors the ability to support ongoing monitoring of regulated entities by extracting critical data directly from your supervised institution's backend systems using a data pulling approach; firing real-time alerts whenever key events are detected anywhere within your regulatory environment.

Comprehensive Know Your Customer (KYC) Views
For years SQL Power has been providing our valued clients with 360-degree Organizational and Person views of all pertinent information related to a regulated entity and its representatives.
Organization and Person Profiles were automatically updated whenever the system received a valid submission of a registration, license approval/renewal, a financial submission, a change request, or an Onsite Inspection final report. The SQL Power Organizational and Person profile views dynamically evolved with every interaction with a regulated entity providing our customers with an invaluable and comprehensive view of every regulated entity and person of interest.
Now with the Integration Hub, SQL Power can supplement all the SupTech Hub collected data with other pertinent supplementary legacy data that may have originated in a CRM system, Call Centre, on Social Media, or in the News - providing our customers with an ultra-comprehensive view of all Regulated Entities and Person of Interest activities.
Executive Dashboards
Increase productivity and efficiency within your executive team with an Executive Dashboard that provides high-level KPI(s) from disparate sources that have a direct impact on your organization's objectives and your daily decision making.
SQL Power’s Integration Hub provides your executives with easy access to Organization-wide KPI(s) whether they’re leading or lagging indicators (and whether they were collected from within the SQL Power platform or pulled from any other legacy system), so that they are able to react to changes in operations or market conditions - allowing them to make critical and timely decisions based on the latest operational metrics or submitted information.
The SQL Power Executive Dashboard provides executives with complete visibility and oversight of all divisions and departments within your organization. On-demand or by receiving alerts, your executive teams can quickly obtain:
- An overview of key performance indicators for each division (banking, insurance, securities, investigations, etc.)
- High-level views of regulated organizations that are at risk or are engaging in risky behaviors
- Alerts of suspected AML market activities
- Easy access to any other relevant information to help achieve your objectives and/or protect your jurisdiction.

Explore how your organization can leverage our Instant Data Warehouse and the expansive implementation options that it provides.

Gain insight to make smart decisions and discover opportunities for regulatory process improvements with SQL Power's Advanced Analytics and AI capabilities.
Key financial ratios are assessed in real-time against submitted data providing analysts with early-warning in-line analytics. The system also learns from historic data to derive reliable predictive models that are then used to mine recently collected data to provide early predictions of potential undesirable outcomes and provide you with the opportunity for early intervention - circumventing the impact on the public and maintaining confidence in the regulated market by all stakeholders.

Learn how to leverage your existing systems with SQL Power's Instant Data Warehouse. Let's talk.
Ask us about our SupTech solutions, implementation options, or anything else. Our expert team is standing by, ready to help!