Is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning the Future of Financial Regulation?

Technological advancements are inevitable. From the first stone tool, the discovery of the uses of fire, forging metals, farming, the Industrial Revolution to the information age; we have been consistently inventing tools to make our lives easier. Artificial Intelligence is one such tool. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first coined in 1956 by a Dartmouth...

Financial Reporting and Analysis Today: Using XBRL to Make the Process Faster and Easier

The New York Society of Security Analysts’ (NYSSA) Financial Reporting and Analysis Group hosted a program on using XBRL formatted structured SEC corporate data filings to expedite and ease financial reporting and analysis. Panelists were Mohini Singh (CFA Institute), Todd Castagno (Morgan Stanley), Pranav Ghai (CalcBench), Hal Schroeder (FASB), Mike Willis (Securities and Exchange Commission), Mark Montoya (FDIC),...

RegTech as a Driver for Regulatory and Compliance Cost Reduction

RegTech is the emergence of new technologies in the regulatory space is offering financial services institutions growing possibilities to reduce costs and improve the quality of its regulatory response process, says Elmo Olieslagers, Managing Partner of Compendor. The financial services industry continues to face a growing volume of regulatory change, as both international and domestic...