LONDON (Reuters) – Risks related to political developments in the U.S. have emerged as the main economic concern for central banks, alongside trade wars and a global slowdown, according to a UBS survey. Further disruptions of major economies by the COVID-19 crisis, including new shutdowns, were expected by a total of 42% of respondents to...
Tag: suptech
FinTech, RegTech, and SupTech: A New Paradigm, Simultaneously Promoting Financial Service Innovation While Enhancing Supervisory Effectiveness
First some definitions: FinTech is the application of digital technology like software and hardware to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and scope of financial services. These solutions can be applied to traditional financial services and create opportunities for new services and business models for Financial Institutions. SupTech is the application of digital technology like software and hardware to improve the efficiency,...
Is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning the Future of Financial Regulation?
Technological advancements are inevitable. From the first stone tool, the discovery of the uses of fire, forging metals, farming, the Industrial Revolution to the information age; we have been consistently inventing tools to make our lives easier. Artificial Intelligence is one such tool. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first coined in 1956 by a Dartmouth...